Generazione E involves experimental research and industrial development activities. Numerical Models were carried out to predict the performances of Space Thruster for VEGA-E launcher, in the operating conditions of flight.
The accuracy of FE models was verified and improved by using experimental testing’s, considering both small and large scale fire tests.

Advanced methods and tooling for thermo-ablative characterization of innovative materials were development: a class of ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTC). These new materials, capable to resist of thermo-mechanical stresses, in the conditions of combustion chamber and nozzles of liquid and solid propellant space engines, were designed and manufactured.
It was concepted , developed, manufactured and installed, an acoustic noise reduction device generated by a supersonic jet coming from a liquid propellant engine. A set of integrated sensors have been inserted on the test apparatus, detecting the temperature and the internal deformations of the combustion chambers and nozzles.